ABOUT OURFrom True Antique to Modern collectable, 30 years in the business gives an informed price guide. | Downsizing, or Re-location surprises in the cupboards! |
Welcome to the Estate Liquidators Website.
We clear and disperse Deceased Estates for Attorneys and Executors. From the family house to the large Farm. We find new homes for Pre-loved goods and help out local charities. We can also off-set fees by purchasing goods or arranging and cataloging for Auction or Public Estate Sales - always with care and compassion and always for the best price possible.
With over 50 years combined experience in appraisals and liquidation our principals are both very experienced and efficient. We also now offer Real time Video Appraisals by appointment... All the better to make things easier for you....
Deceased Estates, Nursing Home Relocation, Elderly Downsizing and About Us